Believe it or not social media scams have been picking more pockets than any other scam today––including phone call and text fraud. 1 There have been more than $2.7 billion in losses to social media scams between January 2021 and June 2023. 2 And whether or not you’ve seen these cons in action, they don’t look the same today as they did even a year ago. 2 They’re becoming more personalized and harder to detect...
Smart investing doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Current events matter, and this year, the 2024 Presidential Elections are taking center stage. That’s rattling a lot of us, causing more election stress than ever before. 1 It’s also raising a lot of questions about investing in election years, how to respond to market uncertainty, and what money moves truly make sense. Here’s a handful of key factors to keep in mind when you’re investing in an...
In a perfect world, every money decision we make would be totally rational. We’d consider all of the facts. Then, we’d balance them with the risks to make the most logical choice available. 1 That sounds simple. Yet it doesn’t happen as much as it should in the real world. 1, 2 That’s because many of us aren’t relying on logic and the facts to make financial decisions—and we probably don’t even realize it. 2...
What was the last money mistake you made? If you’re like most folks, you’ve made at least one upsetting money mistake in the past year — and you’d like to do better. In fact, most folks admit their finances have not gotten better over the past year. And at least half of them say the real problem is that their money mistakes have turned into bad financial habits.
Many of us have experienced the cost of financial literacy gaps at one point or another. And if you’re like most folks, the gaps in your financial literacy probably cost you at least $500 last year alone. 1 Think of it as a type of financial illiteracy tax. However, there is good news: you do NOT have to keep paying it year after year. The more you brush up on your financial knowledge, the better...